Zibersegurtasuna: behin-betiko lehiakortasun abantaila

Zibersegurtasuna: behin-betiko lehiakortasun abantaila

Azkenengo hilabeteetan, zibererasoekin lotutako albisteak esponentzialki hazi dira. NBEaren arabera, 39 segunduro zibereraso bat gertatzen da munduan, eta email maltzurren datua %600a hazi da azken urtean. Eraso hauen helburuak Ibex 35eko enpresak, ETEak, erakunde...
History’s largest password data collection has been filtered

History’s largest password data collection has been filtered

Even if one is careful with their passwords, some companies are not. As a consequence, hackings occur and our credentials are exposed. In Have I Been Pwned’s database there are almost 11.400 million accounts and recently a database containing a similar amount of data...