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Cybersecurity: the final competitive advantage

Cybersecurity: the final competitive advantage

During the last months, the number of pieces of news related to cyberattacks has grown exponentially. According to the UN, every 39 seconds a cyber-attack takes place in the world, a most worrying figure. Moreover, the number of malicious emails has grown by...

Zibersegurtasuna: behin-betiko lehiakortasun abantaila

Zibersegurtasuna: behin-betiko lehiakortasun abantaila

Azkenengo hilabeteetan, zibererasoekin lotutako albisteak esponentzialki hazi dira. NBEaren arabera, 39 segunduro zibereraso bat gertatzen da munduan, eta email maltzurren datua %600a hazi da azken urtean. Eraso hauen helburuak Ibex 35eko enpresak, ETEak,...

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