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Tamaina guztietako enpresak zibergaizkileen fokoan

Tamaina guztietako enpresak zibergaizkileen fokoan

Pandemiaren ondorioz, zibersegurtasunari buruzko arreta areagotu egin da mundu osoan, eta Espainia ez da salbuespena. Zibersegurtasuneko adituek diotenez, 2020 urtean errekorrak hautsi ziren zibererasoetan. ESET zibersegurtasuneko enpresa da Europar...

US investigates major cyber-attack affecting nearly 200 companies

US investigates major cyber-attack affecting nearly 200 companies

Researchers say hackers are asking small companies for $50,000 and large companies for $5 million.   Last Friday, July 2nd, at least 200 US companies were hit by a cyberattack. Hackers managed to infiltrate the technology company Kaseya, which provides...

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